Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 5, 2009

Dear Baby Becks,

I've decided to start writing you letters to remember our journey of life. In four days you'll be 28 months old. You are the smartest, most adorable little two year old I've ever met. You're definitely at the age where you are pushing mine and Daddy's buttons to see how far you can go with us.
Mommy's been working on her photography hoping to make it a side business one day. It takes so much time away from you it kills me. Each day I cannot wait to leave work to pick you up. My drive from work to daycare takes about an hour and I hate each second of it. I love walking in to your classroom and just watching you before you know I"m behind you. The smile on your face and the "Hi Mommy!" makes my day. You LOVE splash day at the daycare. The joy I see in your eyes and hear in your laugh makes me happier than I've ever thought I could be. You love to watch movies! Right now it's Chicken Little, Horton Hears a Who, and the Shrek movies. For your birthday your grandparents got you a swing set. You call it your "castle" and you would play on that castle all night if we'd let you. You love to swing and you have NO fear! Swinging makes you laugh from deep down and makes Mommy smile.
You're growing so fast. Right now you're around 3 feet tall and 35 lbs. That 35 lbs is so heavy sometimes but as long as I hear "Hold me Mommy" I'll be carrying you until your feet drag the ground. You love cars! We have so many, I don't even want to count. You sleep in our bed between Daddy and me. I know I need to put you in your own bed but we love having you with us and snuggling with you. Daddy and I watch you while you sleep. Everything in the world seems so peaceful and right with you sleeping there.
You're having the tubes in your ears replaced and your adenoids taken out next week on the 12th. Mommy's scared. Deep down I know everything will be alright and this has to be done but I'm still scared.
You, baby boy, are our life. We light up when you do, we cry when you are hurt, we sit and watch all your cartoons, we work to be able to give you everything you'll ever dream of. You give us hope, strength, joy, and most of all love.
Being your mom is hard. I hope when you grow up, you'll be able to see why I made the decisions I have made. You'll realize it wasn't the end of the world when you weren't allowed to ride your toy motorcycle down the driveway into the road, you couldn't have your popsicle before dinner, you STILL couldn't try a hotdog because Mommy was scared you would choke, when we ran out of "soup waters" (fruit rollups), and when the DVD player in the car broke and we could no longer watch Backyardigans.
Until then, I will continue to make the hard decisions and let you do some things you want to do like letting you run in the sprinklers naked, jump off the coffee table into my arms, have more "shakey" (chocolate milk) than any child should ever drink, wear all the bandaids in a box (even when not necessary), and jump on your bed to your heart's content.
I'll raise you, along with your Daddy's help, the best I can. Please forgive me when I lose my patience and when I have to force you to come shopping with me. Life's too short for us to wait and get hurt to wear our Sesame Street bandaids so I promise I'll do my best to keep us fully stocked!

I love you sweet baby boy,


008web by you.

About This Blog

I started this blog as a place to write to my son. I will try to write them monthly and save these letters for him to have when he grows up. All people should know how much they are loved and need to be shown and told.

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